A serbian film full uncut movie
A serbian film full uncut movie

Milos discuss the proposal with Marija and he signs the contract. However, Vukmir neither show the screenplay nor tell the story to Milos. Milos is introduced to the director Vukmir (Sergej Trifunovic) that offers a millionaire contract to Milos to act in a film.

a serbian film full uncut movie

The family is facing financial difficulties, but out of the blue, Milos is contacted by the porn actress Lejla (Katarina Zutic) that offers him a job opportunity in an art film. In Serbia, the retired porn star Milos (Srdjan Todorovic) is married with his beloved wife Marija (Jelena Gavrilovic) and they have a little son, Peter, that is their pride and joy. It's just not nearly as shocking as it thinks it is and what shock value is here just doesn't work. The direction is good, the acting is fine and on a technical level the film is impressive. The screenplay could have used a lot of work and the 104-minute running time (in its uncut form) goes on a bit too long.


I'm guessing it was just to try and stir up some controversy and make your movie desired by those who seek out such films. In fact, I'm still trying to think of what the entire point of this film was. The big twist at the end can be seen a mile away and the big "secret" as to what the porn star ends up doing is just downright silly and I didn't buy it for a second. What kills the final twenty-minutes here is that it's just so predictable that it isn't shocking at all. I think the violence, while disturbing, isn't nearly as shocking as some of the stuff we've seen in other movies. I found the graphic nature of INSIDE to really kill the movie but the violence here isn't what ruined the film. Towards the end of the movie is when things really start to get crazy as we see what all has been filmed. I will give the film credit that they try to do more than just shocks because nothing really happens until after the hour mark. I thought the stuff dealing with the "maker" was also handled quite well and the way he keeps what's going on a secret was a nice touch. I think the film starts off pretty well in regards to building up the lead character because we can understand why he left the business and we can understand his need to get back in. I think the filmmakers here realized that the best way to get your film known was to go to the extreme and it's too bad because the extreme here pretty much ruined an otherwise good movie.

a serbian film full uncut movie

INSIDE featured a woman trying to rip the baby out of another woman's stomach and A Serbian FILM features a newborn baby being raped. Over the past couple years we've gotten some rather vile movies like MARTYRS, AUGUST UNDERGROUND and INSIDE. A Serbian FILM pretty much came out of no where and due to a couple violent, notorious and rather perverted scenes it has become the most wanted movie by many of those who enjoy extreme entertainment. He's given an opportunity to appear in a "art porn" and takes the job but realizes too late that the makers of the film are sadistic madmen making a snuff movie.

a serbian film full uncut movie

A Serbian Film (2010) ** (out of 4) This now notorious shocker centers on a retired porn star (Srdjan Todorovic) who is about out of money and is needing some quick cash to support his wife and child.

A serbian film full uncut movie